💖 一片逆龄,帮助受损肌肤 再生修复 💖
REJURAN Turnover Mask / Rejuran Healer Healing Mask 5ea
REJURAN 水光再生修复面膜 5ea
✅ 皮肤干燥,急需补水?
✅ 一换季就敏感、泛红?
✅ 痘印痘疤常年不消?
✅ 术后修复(微整、水光针、激光)
💎 主要功效 💎
✨ 深层补水 —— 缓解干燥,锁住水分
✨ 收缩毛孔 —— 改善粗糙,打造光滑肌肤
✨ 修复损伤 —— 促进皮肤屏障再生,增强防御力
✨ 提拉紧致 —— 增强弹性,减缓松弛下垂
✨ 抗衰养颜 —— 改善细纹,延缓衰老
✨ 美白嫩肤 —— 提亮肤色,淡化黑色素
🌿 核心成分 🌿
🔬 c-PDRN 再生修复因子
➡️ 美容术后修复救星 🌟
➡️ 水光针、激光术后必备!
🐟 鲑鱼 DNA 精华
➡️ 分子量微小,吸收力是普通面膜的45倍!
➡️ 深度修复,促进皮肤再生
🍃 积雪草提取物
➡️ 镇静舒缓,降低皮肤敏感度 🛡️
➡️ 改善泛红,均衡肌肤状态
💧 超浓缩 40ml 乳液精华! 💧
🛁 敷完面膜后,剩下的精华还能 按摩吸收,效果更持久!
💰 CP值超高!
美容院修复面膜 💲RM100-200++
REJURAN Turnover Mask 💲价格更亲民💖 效果却媲美医美!
🛒 适用场景 🛒
🌟 换季敏感肌 —— 迅速舒缓、镇静修复
🌟 熬夜暗沉肌 —— 补充营养,恢复光彩
🌟 术后修复肌 —— 修护受损屏障,加快愈合
🌟 急救干燥肌 —— 高效锁水,持久保湿
💡 使用方法 💡
📌 洁面后,取出面膜敷 10-20 分钟
📌 取下面膜后,轻拍剩余精华至完全吸收
📌 建议每周使用 2-3 次,效果更佳!
💖 你的肌肤值得被宠爱! 💖
💦 快来试试 REJURAN Turnover Mask,
让肌肤焕然新生吧! ✨
Procurement takes around 5-15 working days to ship out,
ie: around 10th of Apr due to Hari Raya
Latest cut-off date: (Follow countdown timer above)
Product packaging often gets updated, so you'll usually receive the latest version.
If there is anything happening such as no stock from supplier,
we will contact you via WhatsApp asap.
If there's any product we haven't update on the Web,
Kindly contact our assistant via WhatsApp/IG/FB messenger.
For streetwear brand,
Kindly contact our assistant to place order,
Due to high demand and sold out fast.
If you are from other countries, such as Singapore,
you may contact our assistant to place order.
Reward points are valid for a year.
Guarantee: If there is any problem after receiving the item, please contact us within 1 day.