Looks Sweet and Soft 🌸
Multi-use for Eyes and Cheeks✨
Puco Awakening Doctrine Cushion Blush
PUCO 清醒主义气垫腮红
🌸SS01 Coral Orange 就这样|珊瑚橘 (收缩色)
🌸SS02 Creamy Apricot 不迎合|奶杏橙
🌸SS03 Milk Apricot Orange 不定义|西柚粉 (膨胀色) *HOT
🌸SS04 White Cherry 不至于|白桃樱
🌸SS05 Sweet Persimmon Brown 不解释|甜柿棕
🌸SS06 J-Magazine Orange 没必要|日杂橘
🌸SS08 Blush Blue 不气馁|腮蓝
🌸SS09 Blush Purple 不内耗|腮紫
🌸01/02/03 是腮红膏
🌸01 Milky Purple 有钱|奶紫色
🌸02 Milky Pink 有爱|奶粉色
🌸03 Milky Orange 有颜|奶橘色
Procurement takes around 5-15 working days to ship out,
ie: around 10th of Apr due to Hari Raya
Latest cut-off date: (Follow countdown timer above)
Product packaging often gets updated, so you'll usually receive the latest version.
If there is anything happening such as no stock from supplier,
we will contact you via WhatsApp asap.
If there's any product we haven't update on the Web,
Kindly contact our assistant via WhatsApp/IG/FB messenger.
For streetwear brand,
Kindly contact our assistant to place order,
Due to high demand and sold out fast.
If you are from other countries, such as Singapore,
you may contact our assistant to place order.
Reward points are valid for a year.
Guarantee: If there is any problem after receiving the item, please contact us within 1 day.