Elegant and sophisticated shades ✨
Cashmere-like, low-saturation colors ✨
Perfect for the season ✨
3CE Cashmere Hug Lipstick
Available in multiple shades:
🔥 07 Knit *Best Seller
🔥 09 Taupe Beige *Best Seller
🔥 10 Dreamy *Best Seller
🌸 01 Oat
🌸 02 Pure Blending
🌸 03 Your Side
🌸 04 Text Me
🌸 05 Cozy Whisper
🌸 06 Buddy
🌸 08 Hush Red
Sophisticated and luxurious ✨
超有气质 超有高级感的色系✨
3CE Cashmere Hug Lipstick
3CE 绒感唇膏
🔥07 Knit 编织晨曦 *Best Seller
🔥09 Taupe Beige 围炉棕 *Best Seller
🔥10 Dreamy 干枯花蕾 *Best Seller
🌸01 Oat 原色陶
🌸02 Pure Blending 裸雾粉
🌸03 Your Side 晴空桃粉
🌸04 Text Me 酒渍红
🌸05 Cozy Whisper 慵懒蔷薇
🌸06 Buddy 岩烧橘
🌸08 Hush Red 雨后赤焰
超有气质 超有高级感✨

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ie: around 10th of Apr due to Hari Raya
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Due to high demand and sold out fast.
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