衣服干净 香香哒🌸
jmella Home in France Perfume All-In-One Capsule Detergent 14g*30capsules (420g)
JMELLA 香水多效合一胶囊洗衣球/香水洗衣凝珠 14g*30入 (420g)
🌸香气四溢 向法式香水致敬
🇩🇰丹麦产 ✅7重洁净酶 ✅7倍洁净力
皮脂汗水 果汁 化妆品 淀粉 油脂
✨强效分解 深入污垢瓦解脏污
✨洗涤 ✨去污 ✨除臭
🌸香味 ✨纤维保护
💗 Jasmine dor 晚夏茉莉(橘) D*OR J*dore
茉莉花香与白色花卉交织香气 典雅温柔的氛围
前 依兰
中 大马士革玫瑰
基 茉莉
💜 Eclat Lilac 紫丁光韵(紫) L*NVIN 光韵女性
如在紫丁香花田里漫步 高级浪漫醉人的香气
前 紫丁香
中 绿茶
基 白麝香
7kg以下使用 1颗,
7kg以上使用 2颗
衣服干净 香香哒🌸
Procurement takes around 5-15 working days to ship out,
ie: around 10th of Apr due to Hari Raya
Latest cut-off date: (Follow countdown timer above)
Product packaging often gets updated, so you'll usually receive the latest version.
If there is anything happening such as no stock from supplier,
we will contact you via WhatsApp asap.
If there's any product we haven't update on the Web,
Kindly contact our assistant via WhatsApp/IG/FB messenger.
For streetwear brand,
Kindly contact our assistant to place order,
Due to high demand and sold out fast.
If you are from other countries, such as Singapore,
you may contact our assistant to place order.
Reward points are valid for a year.
Guarantee: If there is any problem after receiving the item, please contact us within 1 day.