F3 SYSTEMS Safety Callus Razor
F3 SYSTEMS 一刮就掉去腳皮刀
👍 轻巧好用的美足救星🦶
✨ 安全修去腳皮,
去除死皮老茧 的最佳神器!
✨ 轻松去除脚底死皮、粗糙足后跟角质
✨ 独特曲线刀头,安全不伤脚
✨ 一体成型设计,经久耐用
✨ 人体工学手柄,握感舒适不卡
- 用温水泡脚约10分钟,软化角质。
- 开始刮脚皮。
- 刮完后清洗双脚,涂抹足霜保湿
Procurement takes around 5-15 working days to ship out,
ie: around 26th of Mar
Latest cut-off date: (Follow countdown timer above)
Product packaging often gets updated, so you'll usually receive the latest version.
If there is anything happening such as no stock from supplier,
we will contact you via WhatsApp asap.
If there's any product we haven't update on the Web,
Kindly contact our assistant via WhatsApp/IG/FB messenger.
For streetwear brand,
Kindly contact our assistant to place order,
Due to high demand and sold out fast.
If you are from other countries, such as Singapore,
you may contact our assistant to place order.
Reward points are valid for a year.
Guarantee: If there is any problem after receiving the item, please contact us within 1 day.